Australian Fuel Storage Regulations

Australian Fuel Storage Regulations. A Statewide Directory

Updated 16 May, 2024

When you’re making decisions about your fuel storage, knowing the fuel storage regulations that apply in your state should be an important part of your decision.

In Australia, regulations can surround everything from how and where you install your storage system to how regularly you maintain it, how you prevent leaks and how you handle safety around your storage site.

The regulatory environment is changing. To help you navigate the current situation, we’ve put together a guide to some of the most useful sites for regulatory information in each state.

Underground Fuel Storage

Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS) have the potential to leak, leading to expensive clean-up bills and damage to the environment.

UPSS Regulations require owners and operators to regularly check for leaks in the fuel tanks and pipes used to store and handle petroleum products. They also need to meet minimum standards in their day-to-day environmental management of these storage systems.

While environmental regulations apply in each Australian state, each has slightly different requirements for the storage and maintenance of underground petroleum tanks. For example: storage regulations for mining businesses in Queensland might be different to those located in South Australia.

With that in mind, you will find all the essential information for your state in the links below:


The Queensland Government’s business and industry portal’s information on standards, codes of practice and guidelines as outlined in the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 and the Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018.


The rules for UPSS systems in New South Wales changed significantly in September 2019. Most UPSS sites are now monitored and regulated by local councils. A council directory for the state can be found here to help you find the bylaws outlined by your local directorate.

However, the NSW EPA are still responsible for managing some sites in the state if they are:

  • run by public authorities
  • based in an unincorporated area
  • subject to an environmental protection licence.

In these instances, these storage laws have to conform to the Protection of Environmental Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2019 and are monitored by the agency directly.

Alongside this, the NSW’s EPA site provides all the essential information on the updated regulation on the management and operation of underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS).


The Victorian EPA published updated guidelines for the design, installation and management of underground fuel storage systems in 2015. You can find the guidelines here.


If you’re operating in Tasmania, you’ll need to comply with the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2020.

The links to the legislation can be found on the Tasmanian Government website here.


Check the Environmental Guidelines for Petroleum Storage in the ACT (June 2019) for all the information on UPSS and above-ground fuel storage requirements.


Information about legislation administered by the Department of Environmental Regulation, including legislation around petroleum and contaminated sites, can be found here. For information on dangerous goods codes of practice, go to this site.

Information on when a licence is required for the storage of dangerous goods can be found here.


The South Australian EPA are the regulating body for UPSS regulations within South Australia. As of January 2020, all petrol stations are required to have a licence for storing petroleum. These must conform with both the Environment Protection Act 1993 and the Environment Protect (Water Quality) Policy 2015. All the information  about UPSS rules in South Australia can be found here. The EPA also provides guidelines about UPSS assessments here with all the latest guidelines updated to current regulations.

Information about when you need a SA fuel storage licence and how to apply is available at via Safework SA here.


Any UPSS platforms used within the Northern Territory are monitored and managed by the EPA NT and are covered by the Petroleum (Environment) Regulations 2016. For more information on these laws, visit the NT Government page here.

Above ground fuel storage tanks – bunding and safety

If you’re installing fuel storage above ground, particular environmental safety and workplace safety regulations could apply. See the links below for information relevant to your state.

Safe Work Australia – The National Code of Practice for the Storage and Handling of Workplace Dangerous Goods can be found here.


Worksafe Queensland: Service Station Safety Guidelines
Brisbane City Council: Guidelines for Storage and Dispensing of Petroleum Products


EPA NSW – Bunding and spills management information 


Worksafe Victoria: Handling and Storage Dangerous Goods Code of Practice


SA Government: New Dangerous Substances (General) Regulations 2017

SafeWork SA: Dangerous Goods Storage Licence

EPA SA: Bunding & Spill Management Guide 


WorkSafe Tasmania: Hazardous Chemical Service Station Operators Guide


Department of Mines, Industry Regulation & Safety: Dangerous Good Safety Information Sheet


Worksafe NT: Dangerous Goods storage information.

F.E.S. TANKS – Industry Advice

If you’re confused around what regulations apply in your area, we are here to help.

We have the knowledge you need to choose the right system and ensure it is installed and maintained in full compliance with all relevant legislation. Our range of self-bunded tanks also minimises the risk of leaks and does away with the need for expensive and complicated bunding work.

Fuel Storage Regulations and Compliance

F.E.S. fuel storage tanks are built to exceed Australian and international safety standards to ensure the highest levels of safety and environmental protection while giving you optimum flexibility and storage capacity. You can find out more about our certifications and warranties here –

Should you want to buy or hire a fuel storage tank please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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  1. Question regarding mobile fuel tanks and pumps on tow trailer..

    Where do I find the regs associated with this type of petrol/diesel use application?

    • Not sure if there is any. Firstly would need compliance with road transport rules, then check state legisaltion for fuel storage.

  2. Are there any safety signage requirements at the fill and vent point for an underground diesel storage tank? (In particular ‘no-smoking’ signs.)

    • Yes, generally a “No Smoking Sign” is all that is required.

  3. Do I have to remove a decommissioned fuel tank from a property before I can register as a business.

    • No you do not. If you have any concerns you can contact your local council to get a site history for that particular property. This will tell you if the tank has been decommissioned or not.

  4. What distance is required between an above ground diesel storage tank and a dangerous goods storage area

    • Depends on how many lines are in the above ground diesel storage tank. This will determine separation distance.

  5. On a Civil Construction site where fuel, both diesel and unleaded, is stored in jerry cans in a shipping container on a bunded pallet, the question is, are there rules to say that diesel and unleaded can’t be stored together on the same pallet in the same shipping container?

    • No rule. As per AS 1940 this is all classed as minor storage and can all be placed in storage together. Typically a DGS (dangerous Goods Container) is used to store these products. I might add, correct decals / signage need to be displayed on storage container to reflect whether its Flammable or Combustible being stored, or both.

  6. What regulations need to be followed in the removal of an existing decommissioned under ground fuel tank.

  7. Is there a minimum depth for poly-material fuel lines to be under ground for petrol stations that service in-ground fuel cells? And what is that minimum depth?

  8. Where can I find the regulations or rules on placement of bunted tank. Qld. Ie distance to building /boundary etc. Gold Coast

  9. Who do I contact about removing a decommissioned fuel tank from a residential property in Victoria?

  10. I can’t find any guideline in the legislation for Petroleum and Gas or AS 4976-2008 stating if decommission fuel tanks need to removed? Or can they be filled with (compliant) hard set foam?

  11. What is the Maintenance frequency for inspecting Bulk Fuel storage Tanks in Victoria

  12. where can i find design rules for a 500 litre petrol tank to be mounted on a ute?

  13. what are the safety requirements for constructing an awning over an above ground 28000 ltr diesel storage tank

  14. Is there limit of diesel I can carry on a ute in a portable fuel pod that is not bunded. I am in Queensland

  15. We are in WA. We have two 5000l tanks above ground. where is the best place to find out what is required with regard to bunding, etc?

    • Susan,
      Talk to GENSET HIRE and SALES AUSTRALIA (08 9359 1988).
      They are our reps in Perth and being based in WA will have a better understanding of the requirements.


  16. Re: NSW – Are there any Guidelines available for the layout/set-up of an above ground refuelling facility on a construction site ? There is heavy interaction between plant & workers in the area.

  17. Hi I am in nsw and was wondering if you need a qualification to install a diesel line or can anyone do it Thanks.

  18. What are the LPG above ground tank regulations for service stations in Victoria i.e proximity of tank from residential properties?

  19. I am looking to build storage for approx 3400 litres of diesel underground in a shed on my farm in Queensland. What if any regulations effect this. Can I use a poly tank or do I need a steel one. What would be the best backfill material for Poly. If steel is required what is the best backfill.

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